Wild plants harvested in the forest and its clearings, for very high quality herbal teas!
We harvest by hand, taking care to leave insects and pupae in place, as well as the seeds. These are plants that we know well, both for their uses and their biotopes. They are dried naturally to preserve their flavour and principles.
The few plants we don't harvest ourselves, such as hibiscus or camomile, we buy from people who share our values and know-how.
These herbal teas are packaged in 40g or 50g sachets. For the best experience, put a handful in a litre of water, bring to the boil, leave to stand and filter before tasting.
Notre sève de bouleau est 100% pure et fraîche, certifiée BIO (Certisys BE-BIO-01), non pasteurisée, sans conservateurs. Récoltée avec beaucoup d'amour et livrée le jour de sa récolte. Attention, la sève n'est disponible que durant une courte période de l'année. Le reste des produits à base de plantes sont eux disponibles tout au long de l'année.