Full fat milk de la baraque

Uht milk in tetrapak

from: Lait de la Baraque (Own production)

€ 2,11 / l (€ 2,11 / l)

€ 12,02 / 6 l
€ 12,65 / 6 l
(€ 2,00 / l)
(€ 2,11 / l)

UHT milk in tetrapak directly from 8 dairy farmers who have joined together in a cooperative to obtain a fair price for their milk. Not the international market price, which does not allow them to live. These 8 producers therefore founded their own cooperative with the aim of marketing a high value-added pasture milk. It took them three years of work to draw up the specifications, find a processor and outlets. And to choose a name for their brick. It will be Lait de la Baraque.

This cooperative is a little different because of its size and the decentralisation of its processing. The processing is done in Flanders at the only one that has agreed to take their milk. This milk will only be marketed in short circuits, via cooperatives and grocery shops like ours.

The cows are grass-fed, GMO-free and soya-free. The cows are reared according to traditional methods and are linked to the land, respecting the environment and the well-being of the animals. In a production year, the dairy cows are fed a minimum of 60% dry matter from grassland in the area concerned. The objective is to reach 70% within 5 years. 70% of the fodder will be produced in the delimited area (Vielsalm, Lierneux, Gouvy, Houffalize, La Roche, Erezée and Manhay). 70% of the grassland will be permanent in order to preserve the carbon storage in the soil.

Conservation: After opening, can be kept for another 3 days in the refrigerator.

An article in the magazine "TCHAK" is dedicated to them. The magazine is available from Molleke.

Best before:
3 days
EAN code:

UHT Full fat milk

All prices shown are incl. VAT.

The producer

Lait de la Baraque

Une ligne de conduite en quelques ligne

  • Unis en Coopérative : Pur Ardenne.
  • 8 fermes laitières. Un mix' de générations.
  • Région Haut Ardenne. Région traditionnelle de pâturage.
  • Concept unique : maîtrise de la production à la commercialisation.
  • Cette brique est commercialisée uniquement en circuit court (80% du lait part encore dans le circuit conventionnel).
  • Sans OGM. Sans Soja. Avec un cahier de charge strict mais fédérateur.
  • 70 vaches / ferme.
  • Prix rémunérateur.

Contact data
Molleke ASBL

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Lait de la Baraque

Lait de la Baraque