Andalusian mackerel fillets in organic extra virgin olive oil.
These Andalusian mackerel fillets (PGI) are carefully selected to ensure the highest level of quality. Pesasur PGI Mackerel Fillets in organic olive oil have a high energy value and are rich in Omega 3: 0.035 g/100 g. They are canned by adding only organic olive oil and a pinch of sea salt: no preservatives, colourings or flavourings are added. Thus, this canned mackerel arrives on your table with most of its nutritional characteristics intact, with a packaging that favours their preservation and a controlled and certified product quality. In fact, Pesasur guarantees the nutritional and taste quality of its preserves even if you have to eat them far from the sea... Canned fish is like wine. Time refines them and improves their quality as long as the original packaging remains intact and closed. Pesasur's canned fish, in tins or glass jars, are guaranteed for a minimum of 6 years due to the quality of the raw materials selected and the optimisation of the production process.
PGI label
Pesasur's Andalusian mackerel have a PGI (Protected Geographical Indication) and come from sustainable fishing, with fishing boats using appropriate nets that allow the smallest fish to escape. They are of the "Scomber Colias" species, which is the best of the "Scomber" family. The quality of mackerel from the north of Spain, such as those from Brittany and the North Sea, is "Scomber Scombrus", which is the "poor" quality of the "Scombrus" family. The PGI Scomber Colias mackerel is a species that is not threatened with extinction. PGI Scomber Colias mackerel are the mackerel found in the fishing waters of Pesasur preserves. Because they are not frozen fish, the flesh of these mackerels is particularly tender and tasty, giving an excellent quality to the canned product, which is in no way comparable to canned products from canneries where only frozen fish is processed.
Pesasur est située à Ayamonte (Andalousie), une ville de pêcheurs située à la frontière entre l'Espagne et le Portugal (Algarve). Pesasur bénéficie d'une situation privilégiée pour la production de conserves de poisson, compte tenu de sa situation, elle bénéficie des riches eaux du plateau continental du golfe de Cadix et de la zone géographique située entre la côte nord du Maroc, la côte sud du Portugal et la Îles des Açores. Actuellement, en plus d'une riche gamme de conserves de poisson traditionnelles, Pesasur produit et distribue des plats en conserve élaborés selon des recettes d'une grande valeur historique et gastronomique.